Join Girl Scouts!
Post date: May 21, 2013 1:57:49 AM
Look under the "For Parents" document section for an interest form and an FAQ (frequently asked questions) about joining West Windsor-Plainsboro Girl Scouts. To join, follow the instructions below.
Interested in joining Girl Scouts?
Girls Scouts is a fun youth development program for girls, that teaches girls “courage, confidence and character to make the work a better place.” They can make new friends, broaden their horizons, and develop leadership skills in an engaging setting. Girls can join scouting anywhere from kindergarten through 12th grade. If you have a daughter that might be interested, you can check out the overall Girl Scouting program at If you are interested and live in West Windsor or Plainsboro, send an email to Please include the following information and we’ll work on finding a spot for your daughter in Girl Scouts. We work on organizing troops and placing girls into troops over the summer. The sooner you ask, the more likely it is she will get a spot!
Girl Scouts is a terrific program for girls in kindergarten through 12th grade. We help girls broaden their horizons, learn new skills, make friends, and develop their leadership abilities, all while having fun.
If you are interested, please email the following information to
Girls name:
Grade in the fall:
School will attend in the fall:
Parent name:
Parent email:
Parent telephone:
How parent can help? (troop leader or assistant leader, meeting chaperone, trip chaperone, driver for trips, cookie sale manager, other-not sure):
Any special requests:
Girl Scouts is a volunteer based organization. We rely on parents to lead troops, chaperone meetings & trips, drive for trips, manage the troop’s cookie sale, etc. What we need most are troop leaders. Being a troop leader is very rewarding; it is a great experience to share with your daughter. Please let us know how you think you might be able to help.
Also, if you have any special requests, please let us know. For example, if your daughter really wants to be in the same troop as a specific girl, let us know. Be aware that most of our troops serve a single grade. So, this typically is only feasible if the girls are the same grade. Also, if your daughter has a lot of schedule limitations, you can share that with us, so we don’t assign her to a troop that meets at a time that doesn’t work.
WWP Girl Scouts